My life on the road of the 1st National Tour of the Broadway musical Memphis.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

good morning baltimore

Alright folks, back on a regularly scheduled program.
On the whole East Lansing was a bust, audiences were low in attendance, though mighty in response, and the local crew wasn't exactly on top of things, and we even had a creeper hair guy who would always be peering around the hair gondolas to watch us change, and make weird excuses to come up to the guys dressing room. So He had to get a talking to, ugh weird creepy old man.
Now the absolute best things about EL, and maybe the best things on this tour so far, Were 1: the most amazing gym we've been too on tour, and 2: Albert and Denise David. They are Evans dance teachers who I got to meet way back in Memphis when we opened the show, and they took me into there dance family. Well they came, and I told them about all the problems I was having with my body and my right leg, and they worked on me, stretched me out, trigger point massaged my leg, and yanked so good that sunday night I actually had hope again that I would be ok, and could finish out the tour and get back to the dancer I once was. I hadn't felt that good after an 8 show week in months!

So yesterday we arrived in Baltimore, Md, and it seemed that there was a general sigh of relief from half the cast that we are back on the east coast. Folks got to go home to nyc to connect with there loved ones, and to audition. I on the other hand decided to just stay in Bmore for the night off we have to hang out with my li'l bro.
Thats why I'm excited to be here! My li'l bro Michael and my nephew Harper live here, and I get to spend some much needed quality time with him. He is a freelance visual artist, and muralist who is taking Bmore by storm! I love being with him, he sparks so much creativity within me.

Baltimore also bring about our official 6 month mark, which means contracts are up for renewal, of course  thats why people have gone back to NYC to audition cause some have decided to leave, including my buddy Evan. SADFACE! His replacement came in yesterday and starts rehearsal today, we'll meet him at soundcheck. Apparently I have met him before so Scott says cause he goes to our gym. All I know is he better not be a bad egg.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012